China International Furniture Fair and Pinnacle Awards Launch Asia-Pacific Awards
Caption China International Furniture Fair and Pinnacle Awards Launch Asia-Pacific Awards
Source China International Furniture Fair
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งานแสดงเฟอร์นิเจอร์ CIFF จับมือ Pinnacle Awards เปิดตัวรางวัล Asia-Pacific Awards เชื่อมการออกแบบเข้ากับอุตสาหกรรมเฟอร์นิเจอร์ในภูมิภาค
Hội chợ nội thất quốc tế Trung Quốc và Pinnacle Awards triển khai giải thưởng châu Á - Thái Bình Dương để kết nối ngành thiết kế với ngành công nghiệp nội thất khu vực
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中国国際家具展とPinnacle Awardsがアジア太平洋賞を創設
Pameran Perabot Antarabangsa China dan Anugerah Pinnacle Lancar Anugerah Asia Pasifik untuk Menghubung Rekabentuk dengan Industri Perabot Serantau
China International Furniture Fair dan Pinnacle Awards Lansir Asia-Pacific Awards demi Menghubungkan Desain dan Industri Furnitur