Adriel Chan (middle), Executive Director of Hang Lung Properties; Jessie Qian (2nd from right), Head of Consumer and Retail (China) of KPMG China; Roth Lai (1st from right), Deputy Editorial Director of ELLE China; Bunny Gu (2nd from left), representative from a renowned mystery shopper research company, and Ji Liang (1st from left), famous fashion blogger in China delve into trends of luxury retail service driven by Millennials and the Z Generation, as well as the resulting challenges and opportunities.
Caption Adriel Chan (middle), Executive Director of Hang Lung Properties; Jessie Qian (2nd from right), Head of Consumer and Retail (China) of KPMG China; Roth Lai (1st from right), Deputy Editorial Director of ELLE China; Bunny Gu (2nd from left), representative from a renowned mystery shopper research company, and Ji Liang (1st from left), famous fashion blogger in China delve into trends of luxury retail service driven by Millennials and the Z Generation, as well as the resulting challenges and opportunities.
Source Hang Lung Properties Limited
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