(From left to right) Project Manager of JRP Mr. Kelvin Chan, Director of JRP Mr. Joseph Leung, Senior Associate Principal of KPF Ms. Lau Yee Tak, Principal of KPF Mr. Peter Gross, Director -- Project Management of Hang Lung Properties Mr. Adrian Lo, Director of Concept i Mr. Richard Wood and Managing Director, China of Concept I Mr. Wang Qi, share insights into the design concept of Spring City 66 and progress at the project with members of the media.
Caption (From left to right) Project Manager of JRP Mr. Kelvin Chan, Director of JRP Mr. Joseph Leung, Senior Associate Principal of KPF Ms. Lau Yee Tak, Principal of KPF Mr. Peter Gross, Director -- Project Management of Hang Lung Properties Mr. Adrian Lo, Director of Concept i Mr. Richard Wood and Managing Director, China of Concept I Mr. Wang Qi, share insights into the design concept of Spring City 66 and progress at the project with members of the media.
Source Hang Lung Properties Limited
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