Shirley Lam, General Manager, China Commercial Property of Hongkong Land; Raymond Wong, Executive Director of Hongkong Land; Raymond Chow, Executive Director of Hongkong Land; Robert Wong, Chief Executive of Hongkong Land; Vivienne Tam, prominent fashion designer; Chen Man, renowned photographer, visual artist; Mark Pu, Shareholder of Wangfu Central Real Estate Development; Richard Baker, Chief Relationship Officer, Mandarin Oriental and Mark Bradford, General Manager, Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, Beijing
Caption Shirley Lam, General Manager, China Commercial Property of Hongkong Land; Raymond Wong, Executive Director of Hongkong Land; Raymond Chow, Executive Director of Hongkong Land; Robert Wong, Chief Executive of Hongkong Land; Vivienne Tam, prominent fashion designer; Chen Man, renowned photographer, visual artist; Mark Pu, Shareholder of Wangfu Central Real Estate Development; Richard Baker, Chief Relationship Officer, Mandarin Oriental and Mark Bradford, General Manager, Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, Beijing
Source Hongkong Land
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