LONGi Solar has moved rapidly during the past five years to become one of the most bankable PV module suppliers to the solar photovoltaic sector today.
Caption LONGi Solar has moved rapidly during the past five years to become one of the most bankable PV module suppliers to the solar photovoltaic sector today.
Source LONGi Solar
Related Press Releases Links LONGi Solar achieves top-performing AA-rating status in new PV ModuleTech Bankability rankings
隆基獲得PV ModuleTech可融資性評級AA級評級
隆基获得PV ModuleTech可融资性评级AA级评级
LONGi Solar, 금융지원 타당성 등급에서 최상의 AA 등급 받아
LONGi Solar raih peringkat AA dengan kinerja unggulan dalam "PV ModuleTech Bankability Ratings"
LONGi Solar คว้าอันดับ AA จากการจัดอันดับความน่าลงทุนของผู้ผลิตเซลล์แสงอาทิตย์โดย PV-Tech
LONGi Solar đạt xếp hạng AA hiệu suất hàng đầu trong bảng xếp hạng PV ModuleTech Bankability mới
LONGi Solar capai status penarafan AA yang berprestasi tinggi dalam kedudukan PV ModuleTech Bankability baharu
LONGi SolarがPV ModuleTech Bankabilityの新ランキングで最高のAA格付けを獲得