(from left to right) Zaskia Adya Mecca, Actress and Mother of Child with Asthma; dr. Rosye Arosdiani Apip, M.Kom; Head of P2P Bandung Public Health Office; dr. Theresia Sandra Diah Ratih, MHA, Sub-Directorate Head of Chronic Lung Disease and Immunological Disorders of the Ministry of Health; Krishnanand Atreya, Country President Director, AstraZeneca Indonesia; Rizman Abudaeri, Director AstraZeneca Indonesia; and Agus Soetianto, MIPH., MHM. Country Representative of Project HOPE Indonesia.
Caption (from left to right) Zaskia Adya Mecca, Actress and Mother of Child with Asthma; dr. Rosye Arosdiani Apip, M.Kom; Head of P2P Bandung Public Health Office; dr. Theresia Sandra Diah Ratih, MHA, Sub-Directorate Head of Chronic Lung Disease and Immunological Disorders of the Ministry of Health; Krishnanand Atreya, Country President Director, AstraZeneca Indonesia; Rizman Abudaeri, Director AstraZeneca Indonesia; and Agus Soetianto, MIPH., MHM. Country Representative of Project HOPE Indonesia.
Source PT AstraZeneca Indonesia
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