Muar Furniture Association Acting Deputy President Christopher Yau (L3) and MIFF General Manager, Karen Goi (R3) receiving The Malaysia Iconic Event that being awarded to Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF) during MACEOS Malaysia Business Events Awards 2019 from Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry YB Dr Ong Kian Ming, accompanied by MATRADE CEO Dato' Wan Latiff Wan Musa (L1), MACEOS President, Dato’ Vincent Lim Hwa Seng (L2) and MyCeb CEO YBhg Datuk Zulkefli Hj Sharif (R1).
Caption Muar Furniture Association Acting Deputy President Christopher Yau (L3) and MIFF General Manager, Karen Goi (R3) receiving The Malaysia Iconic Event that being awarded to Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF) during MACEOS Malaysia Business Events Awards 2019 from Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry YB Dr Ong Kian Ming, accompanied by MATRADE CEO Dato' Wan Latiff Wan Musa (L1), MACEOS President, Dato’ Vincent Lim Hwa Seng (L2) and MyCeb CEO YBhg Datuk Zulkefli Hj Sharif (R1).
Source Informa Markets
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