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Bigo Live線上音樂籌款活動成功募得10萬美元
圖片說明 Bigo Live線上音樂籌款活動成功募得10萬美元
來源 Bigo Live
相關新聞稿鏈接 Bigo Live 'Global BIGOer One World Together' brings together 3.7million people from 150 countries to raise funds for WHO Solidarity Response Fund
Bigo Live 'Global BIGOer One World Together' brings together 3.7million people from 150 countries to raise funds for WHO Solidarity Response Fund
Bigo Live線上音樂籌款活動成功募得10萬美元
Bigo Live ปลื้มแคมเปญ 'Global BIGOer One World Together' มีผู้รับชมมากถึง 3.7 ล้านรายจาก 150 ประเทศ เพื่อระดมทุนให้กับกองทุน Solidarity Response Fund ของ WHO
Bigo Live "Global BIGOer One World Together" mempersatukan 3,7 juta orang dari 150 negara dalam penggalangan dana untuk "WHO Solidarity Response Fund"
Bigo Live 'Global BIGOer One World Together' menghimpunkan 3.7 juta orang dari 150 negara bagi menjana dana untuk WHO Solidarity Response Fund
Chiến dịch "Cộng Đồng Bigo Toàn Cầu - Chung Một Thế Giới" của Bigo Live tập hợp 3,7 triệu người từ 150 quốc gia quyên góp cho Quỹ ứng phó với COVID-19 của WHO