CU Medicine is the first to discover a series of good bacteria missing in the gut of COVID-19 patients. The research team confirmed this discovery with a large number of healthy subjects and COVID-19 patients. Using metagenomics and big data analysis, the research team has successfully developed a probiotic formula that aims to target gut dysbiosis. Prof. Francis CHAN, Dean of CU Medicine and Director of the Centre for Gut Microbiota Research at CUHK and Prof. Siew NG (left), Associate Director.
Caption CU Medicine is the first to discover a series of good bacteria missing in the gut of COVID-19 patients. The research team confirmed this discovery with a large number of healthy subjects and COVID-19 patients. Using metagenomics and big data analysis, the research team has successfully developed a probiotic formula that aims to target gut dysbiosis. Prof. Francis CHAN, Dean of CU Medicine and Director of the Centre for Gut Microbiota Research at CUHK and Prof. Siew NG (left), Associate Director.
Source The Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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CU Medicine Develops a Probiotic Formula to Target Imbalance in Gut Microbiota in COVID-19