YB Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah (centre), Minister of Communications and Multimedia officiating the launch of Oryctes drone, with (from L-R) Mahadhir Abd Aziz, CEO of Futurise; Captain Chester Voo Chee Soon; CEO of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM); Datuk Isham Ishak, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Transport; YB Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah; Najib Ibrahim, CEO of Cyberview; Cheong Jin Xi, CEO of Poladrone; and Surina Shukri, CEO of MDEC.
Caption YB Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah (centre), Minister of Communications and Multimedia officiating the launch of Oryctes drone, with (from L-R) Mahadhir Abd Aziz, CEO of Futurise; Captain Chester Voo Chee Soon; CEO of the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM); Datuk Isham Ishak, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Transport; YB Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah; Najib Ibrahim, CEO of Cyberview; Cheong Jin Xi, CEO of Poladrone; and Surina Shukri, CEO of MDEC.
Source Poladrone
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