Innovative appliances: there are three key challenges major home appliance manufacturers face today: meeting increasingly demanding energy-efficiency regulations; accommodating high power density in a slim, compact design; and enabling secured, software-based smart functions.
Caption Innovative appliances: there are three key challenges major home appliance manufacturers face today: meeting increasingly demanding energy-efficiency regulations; accommodating high power density in a slim, compact design; and enabling secured, software-based smart functions.
Source Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
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Infineon เปิดตัวพาวเวอร์โมดูลและตัวควบคุมมอเตอร์รุ่นใหม่ ช่วยประหยัดต้นทุน ปรับปรุงความเสถียร ลดใช้พลังงาน
Generasi baru dari modul listrik dan pengendali motor listrik buatan Infineon tekan biaya sistem, tingkatkan keandalan dan hasilkan konsumsi energi yang lebih rendah
Mô đun điện thế hệ mới và bộ kiểm soát môtơ của Infineon giúp giảm chi phí hệ thống, nâng cao độ bền và giảm mức tiêu thụ điện năng