RoNik’s patented drone inspects tank thickness
Caption RoNik’s patented drone inspects tank thickness
Source Terra Drone Corporation
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Terra Drone投资RoNik Inspectioneering
Terra Drone投資RoNik Inspectioneering
Terra Drone tanamkan investasi di RoNik Inspectioneering untuk mengembangkan portofolio layanan inspeksi ruang dengan celah terbatas dalam industri proses
Terra Drone đầu tư vào RoNik Inspectioneering để phát triển danh mục các giải pháp kiểm tra không gian kín trong ngành công nghiệp chế biến
Terra Drone เข้าลงทุนในบริษัท RoNik Inspectioneering เพื่อขยายขอบเขตการตรวจสอบในกระบวนการผลิต
Terra Drone labur dalam RoNik Inspectioneering perluas portfolio pemeriksaan ruang terbatas dalam industri proses
Terra Drone, RoNik Inspectioneering에 투자
テラドローン、世界最大のUAV非破壊検査サービス企業RoNik Inspectioneeringへ出資